Beth's Cleaning
quality cleaning services

living,sleeping areas
furnture: dusted\polished ...upolstery &lamp shades,decorative items :dusted. Blinds, windows sills ledges :dusted\handwiped. doors \frames,baseboards,lites\fans, vents: dusted\hand wiped. Sweep under or behind furniture..where accessable. lite swtches wiped, cobwebs removed.

Counter tops and items are wiped. sink scoured and fixtures shined. frig wiped outside, seal, and inside bottom where spills often happen. stove top , hood and front. shined. micro...inside and out. cleaned. window above sink. doors,frames,fans\lites, lite swtches, vents...etc. dusted/ wiped. floors swept and micro fiber mopped. oh..and we check under cabinets for cob webs. spiders love to hide under there.
weekly, bi-weekly &monthly
Shower\tub.scrubbed. Shined.Mildew treated w bleach. mirror, sink and fixtures cleaned and shined. toilet cleaened / sanitized. outside shined. surrounding walls wiped of splashes. exhaust fan swept or dusted. lites fans wood work lite swtches dusted or wiped. floors wiped. towel/toilet tissue holders wiped.